
Nanotechnology exchange


Nanotechnology exchange

The measurement deviation of particle size analyzer is influenced by multiple factors

September 19,2023.

The measurement deviation of particle size analyzer is influenced by various factors, and the following are some possible factors:

The physical properties of the sample: The shape, size, density, and color of the sample can all affect the measurement deviation of the particle size analyzer.

Measurement environment: Measuring environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and pressure may lead to measurement bias.

Measurement instruments: The technology and performance of particle size analyzers are also important factors that cause measurement bias, including light sources, detectors, and filters.

Skill level of operators: The skill level and experience of operators may also cause measurement bias.

Sample preparation method: The sample preparation method also affects measurement bias. If the sample preparation is improper or does not match the measurement instrument technology, it can lead to measurement bias.

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