
Nanomaterials knowledge


Nanomaterials knowledge

What are the special properties of nanomaterials

June 25,2023.
1. Mechanical properties

Due to the fact that nanomaterials are composed of nanoparticles, and when the particles are at the nanoscale, the strength, hardness, and other mechanical properties of the material will increase as the particle size decreases. It is precisely because of this property of nanomaterials that they can be used for certain packaging that requires strength and hardness, solving the problem of most packaging being easily damaged. For example, adding materials such as nano titanium dioxide and nano calcium carbonate to plastics can improve the defects of plastics in many aspects and improve the mechanical properties of plastics. The drawbacks of plastics such as poor heat resistance, high brittleness, low strength, and low transparency have been achieved by incorporating inorganic nanomaterials into plastics. Nanomaterials are undoubtedly an important technological breakthrough for the plastic industry.

2. Magnetic properties
Due to the size of nanoparticles in nanomaterials being at the nanoscale, the interaction between various nanocrystals is reflected in the nanomaterial and affects its magnetic properties. The magnetic anisotropy of nanocrystals and the magnetic interaction between grains play a decisive role in the magnetization of nanoparticles, and the magnetic anisotropy of nanocrystals is closely related to physical properties such as grain shape and structure, which reflects the role of the small size of nanoparticles in the magnetic properties of nanomaterials.

3. Electrical properties
The higher resistance of nanostructures compared to other crystalline materials is due to the increase in atomic volume fraction on the crystalline surface of nanostructures, which can play a good role in electrical components. Their good electrical properties, such as high speed, high capacity, and small volume, are better than current semiconductor materials. Therefore, in the near future, electrical components made from nanomaterials may replace existing semiconductor materials, Play an important role in the electrical industry.

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