



  • 05


    What is the role of the passivation layer of metal nanoparticles

    Metal nanoparticles are a widely used material that can be applied in various fields, such as medicine, electronics, energy, and the environment. They have extremely small size and high surface area, which can enhance the performance of many materials. However, the surface of metal nanoparticles is often very active and easily reacts with the surrounding environment, so a passivation layer is need...
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  • 22


    How to Distinguish Class I and Class II Materials

    Class I and Class II materials are two fundamental concepts in the field of materials science, which are used to describe the crystal structure types of materials and are often applied in the research of materials such as semiconductors and metals. So, how do we distinguish between Class I materials and Class II materials? A simple method is to distinguish based on the density of the material. Com...
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[  A total of  4  pages]
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